Almost time to leave...

I just finished my MCAT exam... Yes, it was awful, but glad it's done (& I hopefully won't need to retake it) 😬AND I leave for Ghana in just a week!
As I'm getting ready to pack up and get going I can't deny an uneasiness about going abroad for ten weeks. I'll miss my family, my dogs, and my usual comforts. The hardest thing to be without is my biggest supporter, my boyfriend Daniel. He is my rock and grounds me when things get too stressful in my life; so it'll be hard to not have him there, especially in such an unfamiliar experience. But I won't dwell on this thought! I'm going to focus on gaining a new sense of independence while abroad. I have a ton of other goals: like learning more about global burden of disease, or learning to live without reliable Wi-Fi (#JustMillenialProblems). I don't anticipate being able to reach ALL my goals, but nonetheless, it gives me motivation to not think about what I will miss but what I will be looking forward to!
Now, time to see how I'll fit ten weeks of instant ramen into my luggage...