Eastern Region Excursion

The Eastern Region is just north of Greater Accra region so it is not along the coast, and you can tell by the lack of mosquitos! The trip there was full of rush hour traffic so it was slow and long, especially coming from Cape Coast. But much less bumpy than the travel to Volta.
Our hotel was dank and had terrible service but our hike was far more enjoyable than Volta. I did not die! It was not precariously steep nor was it miles long. There were stairs to help over the steeper areas and lots of cool shade. I was also wiser and did not bring a massive heavy backpack. We hiked to the umbrella rock and got some super cool artsy pictures (do it for the gram!). Then we went down to the Boti Falls. This waterfall was far less intimidating and more soothing than the Wli Falls.
The next day we went to a botanical gardens (SORRY I FORGOT THE NAME. I'm so bad with long names). There were all sorts of trees and spices growing around. Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles even planted palm trees in the gardens. One tree, called the tree of life, has many carvings going up its trunk to symbolize the paths and struggles one encounters in life before reaching a goal.
Overall a much less violent weekend than Volta and always fun adventuring in Ghana. I have also continually gotten tanner and tanner and tanner.